Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Scouting Community - MyScouting.org

Get connected with the Scouting Community. Join the BSA's social network at MyScouting.org.

1. Go to www.myscouting.org and select MyScouting. enter information including your member ID.

2. Log into MyScouting and select Scouting Community. This is your private profile; toggle between it and your pulbic profile. Edit your public profile with information you'd like to share. Select an avatar or image to represent you.

3. Make friends. go to the Members page and find someone. Go to their page and select the Add to Friends list.

4. Check out the Forums. Start reading the forum posts. Familiarize yourself with how forums are organized.

5. Join a Group. Go to the Groups page and find a group that interest you. If it is public, you can join. It it's private by invitation, you can request to join.

I joined several groups. They are organized in several categories. Under Volunteers you will find Troop 182, Echockotee Lodege, and Saturiwa Chapter. You can join NYLT, Scoutmasters, Jamboree 2010, Scout Parents, etc.

Please join group Troop 182 and post your comments, and pictures. To join the BSA's new social network MyScouting.org you must be at least 13 years old and have a paid membership with a member ID.

Troop 182 Updates via @ScoutmasterJose Twitter