Thursday, November 26, 2009

2009 10 - Iron Chef Shawnee District Camporee

Troop 182 scouts attended the annual Shawnee District Camporee @ Camp Echockotee. Our scouts got the Iron Chef Award and other competitions awards.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Did You Know? Rank Requirements change

Did You Know? Rank Requirements change

Along with the Year of Celebration marking Scouting’s 100th anniversary comes a real collector’s item: The centennial edition of The Boy Scout Handbook, which carries several rank requirement changes that go into effect Jan. 1, 2010:

A Scout must teach another person how to tie a square knot using the EDGE model (explain, demonstrate, guide, and enable). He also must be able to discuss four specific examples of how he lived the points of the Scout Law in his daily life.

Second Class
A Scout must discuss the principles of Leave No Trace and explain the factors to consider when choosing a patrol site and where to pitch a tent.

He must explain what respect is due the flag of the United States.

He must again discuss four examples of how he lived four different points of the Scout Law in his daily life.

He must earn an amount of money agreed upon by the Scout and his parents and save at least 50 percent of it.

First Class
An additional requirement to the 10 separate troop/patrol activities states he must demonstrate the principles of Leave No Trace on these outings.

He must discuss four more examples of how he lived the remaining four points of the Scout Law in his daily life.

A Scout must use the EDGE model to teach a younger Scout a specified skill.

Star, Life, and Eagle
Troop Webmaster and Leave No Trace Trainer are two new leadership positions.

Note: If a Boy Scout is working out of the old edition of the handbook, he may continue using those requirements until he completes that rank. Then he must move to the new edition.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Special Needs Camporee + JOTA/JOTI

Hi troop 182,

This weekend se have two important activities:

1. Special Needs Camporee at Camp Echockotee. Saturday: all day
activities. A great opportunity to serve.

2. Jamboree on the Internet (JOTI).

You can participate on JOTI at any time from your own computer by
opening an account on All you have
to do is to contact other Scouts in the community, send "Validation
Cards" to them and request them to receive "Validation Cards". You can
see the number of validation cards you send or receive. You can find
me too and send/request a validation card to/from ScoutmasterJose (my

I already opened one account for Troop 182 (troop182jax). Search for
"troop182jax" and send/request a validation card too. This will also
be a proof that you participated in JOTI as part of Troop 182. JOTI is
open to scouts and adults who want to participate on this worldwide

I will also be participating on English and Spanish via Twitter
(ScoutmasterJose) and the hashtags are #JOTI2009 and #JOTwitter.

You can also request validation cards to your friends in Facebook or MySpace.

My connection times will be Friday, Saturday, Sunday evenings. I will
also try connecting from Camp Echockotee on Saturday morning during
the Special needs Camporee.

3. Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) via radio

Here is the information if you want to participate on JOTA Jamboree on
the Air via radio.

> Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts can communicate with other Scouts around the
> world!
> The Duval County Amateur Radio Emergency Service is sponsoring Jamboree on
> the Air (JOTA) this year at the Marshside campus of Neptune Beach Baptist
> Church, 13723 Atlantic Blvd., 8am - 5pm.
> This can also be an opportunity to earn the Radio Merit Badge. More
> information is available. Email me.

See you live on Echockotee or online. Have fun, serve others, and make
international contacts.

Yours in Scouting,


Jose G. Lepervanche
SM Troop 182

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Celebrating 100 Years - A Year of Celebration

Celebrating 100 Years - A Year of Celebration

For 100 years, the Boy Scouts of America has created a strong foundation of leadership, service, and community for millions of America's youth. Through A Year of Celebration, A Century of Making a Difference, we will demonstrate the incredible impact of a century of living the Scout Law.

Program participants will earn recognition for making a difference in their communities due to their dedication to five of Scouting's core values: Leadership, Character, Community Service, Achievement, and the Outdoors. Through that commitment, participants can earn each of five award ribbons to display from our 100th Anniversary commemorative patch.

A Year of Celebration will take place from September 1, 2009 through December 31, 2010. The program is open to all Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturers, adult leaders, and Scouting alumni. Read the patch requirements to learn more.

You can also download the patch requirements by group:

For 100 years, the Boy Scouts of America has created a strong foundation of leadership, service, and community for America's youth. Through A Year of Celebration, we celebrate this legacy and commit ourselves to inspire and prepare future generations.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Scouts Honor Capt. Scott Speicher

August 14th, 2009

Scouts and adults were at the Veteran's Memorial Wall to honor Capt. Speicher. Troop 182 and 631 SPLs were interviewed live for the local TV news. One of our scouts was interviewed for the Times-Union. Watch a T-U report of the events, the presence our scouts and the T-U interview.

Watch slides of our Scouts during tribute to Capt. Speicher.

August 13th, 2009

All Scouts and Scouters in the North Florida Council

The funeral procession for Navy Captain Michel Scott Speicher will be this Friday, August 14th. We encourage Scouts/Volunteers to attend this event in support of Speicher's service as a Scout. Participation will include numerous Fire Fighters and Police from as far south as Miami, High School Junior ROTC units, and countless citizens of Jacksonville. BSA participation will further honor him, as he learned many of his outstanding character qualities as a Scout himself.

Participation in this event will give our Scouts a first-hand sense of citizenship, patriotism, honor and reverence, characteristics we hold in highest esteem within the Scout Law.

Scouts and adults from Troop 182 will be at the Veteran's Memorial Wall around 9:30 a.m.

Friday, August 7, 2009

2009 07 Summer Camp II - Camp Daniel Boone

Here's a collection of photos from Troop 182's 2009 Summer Camp Week up in the mountains of North Carolina taken by Hans.

The boys accomplished so much in terms of merit badges earned and Rock School for 3 senior scouts. Even cub scout Jacob did big boy stuff (BSA Swim test, canoeing, rafting, horseback riding, archery) with the troop. The 4 adult leaders had an easy time and camping was perfect!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Hydration - How and Why

Hydration - How and Why

An automobile engine needs coolant to keep it from overheating. If the radiator runs dry, the engine can be ruined.

Bad things happen to people, too, when their fluid levels are low. Blood thickens and becomes more difficult for their hearts to pump. They can feel tired, irritable, and perhaps nauseous. That's called heat exhaustion. Treat it with rest in the shade and sips of water.

Heat stroke strikes when the body's cooling mechanism is so overworked it stops functioning. That's a life-threatening emergency. Cool the victim however you can-with shade and wet cloths, for example, or the air-conditioner in a car. Get medical attention as soon as possible.

Of course, the best way to deal with heat illnesses is to avoid them in the first place. Plan your activities so that you carry all the water you need, or can replenish your supplies along the way.

Drink, Drink, Drink

Thirst is not always the best indicator of your body's need for water. Instead, drink often enough for your urine to remain light-colored or clear.

In hot weather, refresh your water containers at every opportunity. Drink your fill, then refill your container before leaving a water source.
Keep water readily available and drink small amounts frequently.
Don't ration water. If you are thirsty, you need to drink.
Avoid consuming a lot of caffinated drinks, which can act as diuretics -- agents that purge fluids from the body.
Don't underestimate your need for water. During strenuous activities in hot weather, your body might require two to three gallons of water per day.
Remember that carrying water with you isn't enough. You need to drink it, too, in order to stay happy, healthy, and hydrated.

For more information, consult Chapter 14, "Hot-Weather Travel and Camping," of the BSA Fieldbook, Fourth Edition.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

2009 06 Summer Camp I - Camp Shands

Here are the first pictures of Troop 182 attending summer camp at Camp Shands - Baden Powell Scout Reservation, Melrose, Florida.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Be Prepared. For Adventure. For Life. | June 2009

Vol. 1, No. 5

In this Issue:
Traditional Weather Signs
Planning a Day Hike
Assembling a First Aid Kit
Flag Etiquette

Summertime and Scouting go together like ice cream and apple pie. BSA skills lead the way for terrific warm-weather adventures in town and on the trail.

Summer also brings patriotic holidays with parades and picnics honoring our country. Take this month's Be Prepared Flag Quiz, then show your pride in America as the nation's banner passes by.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Coin Collecting Merit Badge Clinic


Morocco Shrine Temple, 3800 St. John’s Bluff Road, Jacksonville, Florida
Saturday, May 30, 2009 1 :30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Check-in begins at 1:00 p.m.

Before the Clinic . . . Scouts must complete the following requirements:

1. Read the "Coin Collecting" Merit Badge Book. At the Clinic, we will review all of
the requirements. Bring five different State Quarters from 1999-2008 (Req. 6)

2. Collect and bring a type set of U.S. coins currently in circulation (Requirement 7).
This type set must include one specimen each of the 1-cent, 5 cents, 10 cents, 25
cents 50 cents and dollar. The dates do not have to be the same. Coins from the
Philadelphia and Denver Mints must be represented in the set.

3. Collect and bring a date set of U.S. coins (Requirement 9d). The set can be of any
one denomination (1 cent, 5 cents, 10 cents or 25 cents) and must include one (1)
coin of every year, from the year the Scout was born through 2008. Any mint is
acceptable. All coins must be of the same denomination.

At the Clinic . . .
There is no cost for this program. Everyone will learn about collecting U.S. coins,
get great free material, and take home cool prizes . Bring only the coins required
for the merit badge-leave the rest of your collection at home! Scouts will
complete all other requirements during the Clinic. Adult leaders are welcome
and encouraged to attend. Check-in begins at 1:00 p.m. on May 30, 2009, at the
Morocco Shrine Temple, 3800 St. John’s Bluff Road, Jacksonville, Florida.

Before and after the clinic… Scouts are invited to explore and discover the
excitement of the Greater Jacksonville Coin Club Show. Admission is free.

Scoutmasters . . .
Please provide Scouts with signed Merit Badge Cards and ask them to complete
all personal information (name, address, etc.). Tell them to bring note pads and
pencils and their completed type and date sets of coins. Remind Scouts to wear
their uniforms. Scoutmasters should provide a copy of this flyer to Scouts planning
to attend the clinic so they can study the requirements.

Pre-registration . . .
Pre-register, please provide Scout(s)' name(s) and Troop number to Tony Bonaro
at (904) 596-1242 or e-mail at by May 28, 2009.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Scouting Community -

Get connected with the Scouting Community. Join the BSA's social network at

1. Go to and select MyScouting. enter information including your member ID.

2. Log into MyScouting and select Scouting Community. This is your private profile; toggle between it and your pulbic profile. Edit your public profile with information you'd like to share. Select an avatar or image to represent you.

3. Make friends. go to the Members page and find someone. Go to their page and select the Add to Friends list.

4. Check out the Forums. Start reading the forum posts. Familiarize yourself with how forums are organized.

5. Join a Group. Go to the Groups page and find a group that interest you. If it is public, you can join. It it's private by invitation, you can request to join.

I joined several groups. They are organized in several categories. Under Volunteers you will find Troop 182, Echockotee Lodege, and Saturiwa Chapter. You can join NYLT, Scoutmasters, Jamboree 2010, Scout Parents, etc.

Please join group Troop 182 and post your comments, and pictures. To join the BSA's new social network you must be at least 13 years old and have a paid membership with a member ID.

Monday, May 25, 2009

2009 National Distinguished Scoutmasters

Troop 182,

My wife Flor and I attended the BSA National Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida from May 21 - 24, 2009. We attended different events and exhibitions with more than 1500 scout professionals and volunteers. We were invited to participate in the 2009 National Distinguished Scoutmasters Recognition Program. Scoutmasters from all the US were nominated by their Councils and only 43 were selected by the National Council. Florida was represented by one Scoutmaster from West Palm Beach and another from Jacksonville. We learned that our troops had active Eagle Scouts, First Class scouts, trained adults and scouts, good recruitment and retention, council, district, and OA participation, quality awards, service, active camping and outings, including summer camps, large committee, active parents, good charter organization support, good management practices, and leadership influence in our communities outside Scouting.

We were specially recognized in the Business Meeting, our spouses had private tours and events to thank them for their support to the Scoutmasters. We worked in Focus Groups and we had a private meeting with the Chief Scout Executive and National Council Commissioner.

It was a great honor and a huge challenge to represent Troop 182 during this recognition program. We had several meetings where we share our best practices. During the Focus Groups we worked in several areas (recruitment, training, advancement, retention, and time management) to analyze current issues and to define solutions or methods that can be implemented in the troops. We made the commitment to work online in our focus groups for the next 12 to 18 months in order to present our work to the National Council.

It was very interesting to share what we do in our troop with 52 scouts. At the same time, it was a great learning experience to hear from troops with more than 120 scouts, 13 patrols per troop, more than 20 ASMs per troop, 80 years old troops, rural troops, and from Scoutmasters from many states. We formed a great team to work together to improve other troops and the Scouts program.

In order to do our work, we will share our discussions with our Councils, districts, troops, charter organizations, and our communities to promote our best Scouting practices and to gather information to improve the Scouting program. During the upcoming weeks and months, I will meet with the North Florida Council leaders, Shawnee District Scoutmasters, Holy Spirit Catholic Church and School, Troop 182 parents, leaders, and scouts, to share our Focus Groups plan. I was selected because of your work and support to our troop activities. This is a recognition that belongs to all Troop 182. Now we all have the challenge to provide our ideas to improve other troops in our area of influence. Our reach should go to all Councils in Florida. The combined work of all the Distinguished Scoutmasters should make an impact in all the troops in the future.

During this meeting, I renewed my commitment to continue working with Troop 182. Besides, I will also continue my support to the NYLT, OA, and the National Council Hispanic initiative. I thank you for your continuous commitment to Scouting. This recognition should motivate us to be better scouts, leaders, parents and supporters. Be have to continue being an example to other troops and to expand our practices to other troops.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation with our mission.

God bless you and your families,


Jose G. Lepervanche
Scoutmaster Troop 182 Jacksonville
"2009 National Distinguished Scoutmaster"

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

2009 Scoutmasters' Recognition Program - May 2009

Our Scoutmaster Jose Lepervanche will attend this week the 2009 Scoutmaster's Recognition Program during the BSA National Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida. He will represent 52 scouts of Troop 182 as one of the 42 distinguish Scoutmasters from the US invited to this event.

The program includes a business meeting and a focus group session where the Scoutmasters will share their best practices in guiding youth leaders in Boy Scout troops.

Holy Spirit Catholic Church Bazaar - May 2009

Thank you to the 24 scouts and 13 adults who participated in the team effort to help make the bazaar a success. During the bazaar, Father Ananda announced the participation of our Boy Scouts. Thanks to Mrs. Byer for coordinating this effort. Our troop was in charge of the basket ball and slam dunk games.

Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive and Dodge!!

Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive and Dodge!!

On June 13, 2009 the North Florida Council will host the inaugural Jacksonville Corporate Dodgeball Tournament at Bishop J. Snyder High School.

I invite you to join me and many other community leaders in supporting Jacksonville’s Corporate Dodgeball Tournament 2009. This is an adult event for those over 18 years of age. However, if a parent is on the team and you are a teen between 14-18 years old, you may play with a signed waiver!

Don’t miss out on this great event! Sign up a team today! Spread the word by forwarding this to others who may be interested! For more information, or better yet, to register, please visit .

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Brooke Hammon at (904) 265-3812 or at

Let’s Dodgeball!!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

North Florida Council Camporee - May 2009

More than 800 scouts of the NFC attended the camporee at Camp Shands. It was a weekend full of patrol competitions. Troop 182 Vikings patrol won the wall climbing competition. Our patrols participated in all 12 events including knots, fire building, relay, skits, first aid, orienteering, rifle, archery, Xtreme course, climbing, pioneering, and canoeing. These competitions were great to test our Scouting skills. Congratulations to the Vikings and Panthers patrols, their Patrol Leaders and to our Senior Patrol Leader Mikey for leading our troop during all the camporee.

OA Section Conference - April 2009

Our troop attended the Order of the Arrow Section Conference at San Hill Scout Reservation in Brooksville, Florida. We were 10 scouts and adults out of 24 OA members from the Saturiwa Chapter. We joined other NFC OA chapters to be part of the Echockotee Lodge contingent of 150. Section S-4 includes 8 lodges from Florida and 3 from southern Georgia. Our scouts participated in several competitions and got second place in cake eating and volleyball. They also competed in Pre-Ordeal ceremonies.

Our Lodge won the bulletin board award and three of our members were elected as officer of Section S-4. This Section Conference was a great opportunity to see more than 900 scouts and scouters camping under the "Together Fast and Firm".

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

It is Military Appreciation Day again in North Florida.

It is Military Appreciation Day again in North Florida.

The event will be all day Saturday, May 16, 2009 at Mayport Naval Base.

This is a great way for the Scouts of the North Florida Council to show appreciation to the men and women that serve this country. We are looking to have Scouts present at the event to help with any programs needed, and also helping to promote recycling.

If you have any questions about the event, or would like to sign up please email Mike Davidson at

Please register early by emailing info to Mike Davidson:

1) Car Make, Year, & Color
2) Licence Plate #
3) Names of attendees


Mikel Taft
District Executive – Great Muskogee

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


It's that time of year: Summer Camps!! Water activities!!
Swim Test:
UNF Aquatics Center
Wednesday, May 6th - 7pm - Older Scouts from 1st class and above.
Saturday, June 6th - 10am - New Patrol Scouts
$2.75 per person. Must sign a waiver when you get there.
Wear your suit, bring a towel!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Council Camporee

We will attend the North Florida Council Camporee. Our patrols are scheduled to compete in all events.

Please be sure to bring long pants to use in the Extreme Course. This past weekend our Brownsea staff scouts did the course in shorts !!!

Here is the schedule for the inter-patrol events:

11:00am – Archery. 11:30am – Rifle. 2:00pm – Canoeing . 4:00pm – Climbing

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tower Climbing and Rappelling

During the same weekend of our new scouts first campout at Echoockotee, our older scouts were doing tower climbing and rappelling. Here are the pictures. 

New Scouts Campout

Our new scouts were to their first campout at Echoockotee. One of the objectives were to learn basic camping skills including how to build a fire and to cook with it. Troop guides and other older scouts were available to teach new skills. Some of them also had their own activities climbing and rappelling. See all pictures here.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


March 27th - 29th - New Patrol Campout at Echockotee along with Saturday Climbing Wall opportunity for Troop - See Mr. Swindling or Mr. Lepervanche

April 17th - 19th - Caving in Florida State Caverns State Park - so..bring your dirty grubby clothes and be prepared to get down and dirty~~ Mr. Halpin for details.

April 24th - 26th - New Patrol Campout - Mr. Swindling

May 1st - 3rd - District Camporee - Echockotee - Mr. Lepervanche

May 23rd- 25th- Memorial Weekend and New Patrol Campout - Mr. Swindling

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


A class of the AD ALTARE DEI Catholic Religious Emblem will be starting soon. All ages of Catholic Boy Scouts are eligible to do this program.

An informational meeting will be held SUNDAY, APRIL 19, 2009, 2:00pm at Holy Spirit Catholic Church, Social hall in the school.

This meeting is for parents and youth to learn about the program and decide if they would like to participate.

For more information or to sign up for the meeting, please contact CATHERINE WEIDE, Religious Emblem Counselor., 221-3717.

BSA has religious emblem programs for several religions. See Mrs. Weide for details.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Pope Pius XII Religious Awards

Six of our Scouts attended the 29th Annual Bishop's Scout Recognition Ceremony at the Cathedral Basilica in Saint Augustine. They received the Pope Pius XII award which is given to Boy Scouts who have been involved in serious though and discussion with qualified adults about spiritual concerns in their lives and about matters that will contribute to their maturity as Catholic adults. 

In the same ceremony Mrs. Weide received the St. George Boy Scouts Award and Mrs. Grodell received the St. Anne Girl Scouts Award. 

See all pictures here.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Welcome new Scouts and parents to Troop 182 !!!

Welcome new Scouts and parents to Troop 182 !!!
Here is the link to Troop 182 calendar

This month of March has been memorable with the arrival of new 17 scouts and their families to our troop. We had been planning with our older Scouts and Scouters to handle the new wave and I am glad to see that we have had a good fast-paced start for our new scouts during their first two meetings.

As I told new parents during my presentation about how our troop operates, we were a large troop with 36 scouts and now we are a larger troop with more than 50 scouts!

This number requires a lot of organization, management and leadership, specific planning, excellent coordination, and active participation of experienced Scouts, trained Scouters, and committed parents. I like this kind of challenges. We have been weathering many storms since I joined this troop in 2005 and together we have found the sun after the storms. The most important point about our volunteer "job" is to do it with fun for the best of our boy scouts. We all learn from our mistakes to bring the best Scouting program.

Now that we have a larger group of scouts and parents I will use more emails and this blog to post important events, tips, and needs to help your transition from the Pack culture to the Troop methods. Get familiar with this blog, see previous events and pictures, print your calendar, sign up in the meeting board for upcoming events, and keep track upcoming activities.

As a large and successful troop, we are proud of our active scouts, including a large number of active Eagle Scouts, our campouts and trips, our rank centered programs (New Scouts, First Class to Life, Trail to Eagle, Beyond Eagle), our trained adults, our Brownsea trained SPL and youth leaders who do their best to use the Patrol Method, and our multi-tasking parents. As a new scout, you are already experiencing the benefits of our structured program. As a parent, you are welcome to find your spot as committee member, driver, merit badge counselor, assistant scoutmaster, or just as a committed parent willing to support meetings, activities, campouts, and fundraisers.

I am convinced that we are the best troop and I need you to believe it and to be an active part of our success!

Welcome aboard and God bless you and your family.

Jose G. Lepervanche
Scoutmaster Troop 182

We attended the OA Spring Fellowship

Order of the Arrow members of Troop 182 attended the Spring Fellowship camping in Camp Shands. Four new Ordeal members, four new Brotherhood members, and five old Brotherhood members had a great weekend for a total of 8 scouts and 5 adults. Our Saturiwa Chapter brought 62 campers to this fellowship. We also had the Wood Badge beading ceremony of our Committee Chair.

The Order of the Arrow is the National Honor Society of the Boy Scouts of America. OA members are elected by scouts from their troops. The OA promote camping and the maintenance of BSA camps by providing numerous hours of service. OA members are usually staff for Summer Camps and other youth leadership activities.

As a troop with a numerous number of OA members, we are proud of our extra service to Scouting and we should plan accordingly to be able to accomodate our attendance to troop campouts as well as OA campouts. Camping with the troop create a big bonding and friendship with our patrols and scouts. Camping with the OA bring the benefits of serving other troops and camps, as well as expose our scouts to make lifelong friends in other troops. Scouting is a world movement and we should encourage any opportunity to learn from others and to serve others.

Here are the links to the photo albums (Fellowship 1, Fellowship2, Woodbadge)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


March 14th, 7am - ?
Watson and Osborne Parking Lot (corner of Monument and McCormick)
Need Donations of items, need Scouts working, need signs made up!!
Good opportunity to take donations for baked goods!!

Contact Ms. Phyllis or Ms. Tracey for more information.

Profits go to Scouts donating, Scouts working and Scouts donating and working - and the Scholarship Fund.


Ash Wednesday - No Meeting tonight! February 25, 2009

Thursday, February 19, 2009

American Red Cross certified CPR classes

The North Florida Council still has openings in our two American Red Cross certified CPR classes. Check the attached flyer for dates and times

The life you save may be someone you love. Be prepared for any emergency in your troop. Also, this is also a great time to get the CPR portion out of the way before BSA Lifeguard or other classes this spring or summer.

The price of this course is much lower than most courses and materials are included. ($30.00) We need participants so we can continue to offer courses in the future.

Course # 1
Saturday February 28, 2009
8:30 AM—1:00 PM
Registration Deadline: February 25, 2009
Rotary Lodge At Camp Echockotee

Course #2
Saturday March 21, 2009
8:30 AM—1:00 PM
Registration Deadline:March 11, 2009
Taylor Dining Hall
Camp Shands

Monday, February 16, 2009

Annual Recognition Banquet

Join us as we pay tribute to our distinguished volunteer leaders and commence our local celebration of 100 Years of Scouting!

The highlight of the evening will be the recognition of this year's Silver Beaver Recipients:

Robert L. Armstrong

Michael Boylan

Lauren Scott Britt

Charles Carroll

George William Carter

Catrine Fredrikson

Myoinga Glaspey

Edward Kiely

Karen Kircher

Dale B. Lewis

Robert B. Parrish

Rhonda Royston

Minnie Myers Smith

Larry E. Wagner

Catherine Weide <===== Troop 182 Charter Organization Representative

Patrick Wright

Learning for Life, Venturing Leadership, Centennial Quality Unit, and Prime Osborn Award Recognition will also take place.

Honored guest, Chief Scout Executive, Bob Mazzuca will share in this night of celebration for the North Florida Council.

This year's event will take place at the Omni Jacksonville Hotel located at 245 Water Street, Jacksonville, FL 32202.

The banquet begins at 7:00 PM. The Heritage Society Reception, honoring benefactors who have generously contributed to the North Florida Council endowment fund, will preceed the banquet and begin at 6:00 PM. Tickets for the banquet are $30/each; there is no charge for attendance to the Heritage Society Reception.

Tickets MUST be purchased by Friday, March 6, 2009. To download a ticket reservation form, CLICK HERE!

To register online, CLICK HERE!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sunday this Sunday, February 8, 2009

We will be observing Scout Sunday this Sunday, February 8, 2009 at the 8:15 am mass at Holy Spirit. I would like to invite all members of the Troop to attend that service with their families. We will meet at 8am in front of church. Please wear your scout uniform. If you are not Catholic, we would still like you and your family to join us or if you prefer, attend your church service in your scout uniform. Remember that a Scout is Reverent.


Catherine Weide
Charter Organization Rep.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Our "Swimming with the Manatee" trip is officially cancelled due to poor attendance and cancellations - SM will begin to promote the Extravaganza February 27th weekend.
March: March 20 - 22, 2009 - Crescent Lake Preservation - Flagler County-
Primitive camping with a 3.5 mile Trail hike. Fishing, bird viewing and tons of nature. Be prepared to hike .6 of a mile to get to campground. Pack it in small and light. $10.00 per person!! Sign up sheet on Troop Bulletin board.
April: April 17-19, 2009 - Florida Cavern State Park - $38.00 Per Person inclusive. Sign up sheet on Troop Bulletin board.
May - No formal Troop Campout

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

2009 Ski Trip to Cataloochee

We all had a great weekend during our annual ski trip. We stayed at Lake Junaluska. Visit their website and see the lake, accommodations, views, pictures, ducks, etc.

We went to the slopes of the Cataloochee Ski Area and we had two exciting days of skiing and snowboarding.

Here is the link to the pictures (SM)
Here is the link to more pictures (Mr. R)

We already started to plan our 2010 Ski Trip. Start saving and booking the dates.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Saturiwa News - OA Winter Fellowship

Congratulations to the new members elected to the Order of the Arrow. You will be part of Echockotee Lodge 200 and Saturiwa chapter. Here is the scoutoon made during the OA Winter Fellowship. 

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Venturing Super Weekend







Tuesday, January 13, 2009

OA Winter Fellowship 2009

Here are the pictures of the OA Winter Fellowship.

Troop 182 scouts did a great job helping in the assembling of the Saturiwa Chapter bulletin board.

Order of the Arrow elections will be during next meeting because the names are needed for the next Spring Fellowship.

Investment in Character - Scout Signs Video

Hello Scouters,
I want to encourage all Scouters in Shawnee District to forward this link to any and all of the parents of Scouts. One of the best "on air" presentations of the importance of our Investment in Character (IC) program. Roundtable Commissioner, Harriett Swindling, and District Vice-Chairman, Mick Davis, had an outstanding and candid discussion about the overall program. If we can get this 10 minute video in the hands of parents and grandparents BEFORE the actual Unit IC presentation, I believe our Boys and Girls will receive even more rewards from the donations from Shawnee District families. Cubmasters, please get the word to your Den Leaders to pass to the very newest of our Scouting families to view this short video. I know 10years ago as a new Scout parent, I was not prepared to donate at the presentations and would have given even more if I had the knowledge presented in this video. The video clip is on the front page of the website.
Terry Bennett
Shawnee District Commissioner

Friday, January 9, 2009

Order of the Arrow 2008

This weekend will be attending the Winter Fellowship of the Order of the Arrow at Camp Shands as part of Saturiwa Chapter.

Click here to see the pictures of 2008 OA events.

Last year our troop send OA members to the Winter Fellowship, Spring Fellowship (new Ordeals and new Brotherhood members), Summer Fellowship (New Brotherhood member), Fall Fellowship (New Brodherhood member), Section Conference, Arrow5 Corps, Service days, OA roundtables, OA troop elections, Special Needs Camporee, and Shawnee District Camporee. One of our Scouts is Saturiwa Chapter ViceChief.

The Order of the Arrow is the Honor Society of the BSA and it is intended to provide service to others. OA members work to improve Shands and Echockotee, serve as staff in summer camps,
and serve in leadership roles for special services, projects and the NYLT (Brownsea).

OA members are elected by all troop members. Our next OA election will be on January 14th.

Troop 182 Updates via @ScoutmasterJose Twitter